Welcome to the git code repositories of defalsify.org.

Each repository below can be cloned by using the git URL scheme:


NameDescriptionOwnerLast commit
aieePython modules for common command line interfacing utils Louis Holbrook2023-08-19 15:33
bdbgColored debug logging for bash Louis Holbrook2022-07-31 08:48
benfordgeneratorC Library and cli application to generate number sequences with first digits distributed according to Benford's Law Louis Holbrook2017-05-30 23:56
block-syncer-jsFast block sync and retrieval using bloom filters Louis Holbrook2021-01-07 18:01
clorthoKey/value store for shell use where both key and value are obfuscated Louis Holbrook2022-10-05 15:32
confiniParse and merge multiple ini files in python3 Louis Holbrook2023-08-19 15:40
confini-jsJavascript adaptation of python-confini Louis Holbrook2020-12-10 15:19
dir2mimePerl script to create multipart MIME documents from folder content Louis Holbrook2022-01-14 21:22
erc20-demurrage-tokenERC20 token with redistributed continual demurrage Louis Holbrook2024-08-15 11:36
erc20-faucetERC20 token faucet Louis Holbrook2023-03-26 07:16
erc20-poolPermissioned ERC20 swap pool for EVM Louis Holbrook2024-10-29 13:14
erc20-limiterERC20 balance limit registry Louis Holbrook2024-04-15 10:29
erc20-transfer-authorizationSimple approval escrow for ERC20 spending Louis Holbrook2023-03-22 12:54
eth-accounts-indexAccounts index evm contract tooling with permissioned writes Louis Holbrook2024-04-15 10:23
contract-registryEthereum Smart Contract key-value registry Louis Holbrook2023-03-26 05:46
craft-nftA standalone NFT implementation for real-world arts and crafts assets Louis Holbrook2023-03-27 08:58
event-msgSimple, embedded news post vehicle for EVM smart contracts Louis Holbrook2023-03-26 10:54
eth-faucetGas token gifter with controls from time intervals, amounts and access Louis Holbrook2023-08-04 17:32
eth-gas-sumSync a running total of gas usage across EVM blocks Louis Holbrook2022-03-05 07:37
eth-gas-proxyMiddleware to selectively override EVM gas heuristics Louis Holbrook2021-01-26 11:34
eth-interfaceEIP-165 interface and tools for chainlib-eth Louis Holbrook2024-04-15 10:30
eth-offlineEVM token minter frontend for offline issuance using ERC712 structured signatures. Louis Holbrook2023-03-29 14:08
eth-token-indexToken symbol to address unique index Louis Holbrook2023-08-03 08:55
eth-address-indexsigned metadata declarations for ethereum addresses Louis Holbrook2023-03-26 07:18
eth-ownedEIP-173 interface and tools for chainlib-eth Louis Holbrook2024-04-02 12:08
eth-stat-syncerCache live EVM blockchain stats Louis Holbrook2022-04-07 14:45
evm-workmodeA solidity contract for periodic participant working mode registration Louis Holbrook2022-01-09 11:35
evm-tokenvoteVoting machine using ERC20 tokens as votes. Louis Holbrook2023-07-24 07:48
evm-bookingEVM smart contract for ERC20 backed time slot booking Louis Holbrook2023-06-09 16:07
erc20-vendCreate ERC20 tokens the can be minted by existing ERC20 token balance Louis Holbrook2023-08-02 12:51
eth-writerAn interface for non-owner writer role to smart contract instance Louis Holbrook2023-05-13 15:00
feedwarriorSlim, portable tooling for creating and distributing decentralized append logs Louis Holbrook2024-10-19 15:12
gitrefreshEasily export, reinitialize and update all git repositories in a file hierarchy Louis Holbrook2024-06-08 17:56
go-viseConstrained Size Output Virtual Machine Louis Holbrook2025-03-25 14:12
gpgmimeCreate mail agent parseable email from a PGP message Louis Holbrook2022-10-12 16:00
hexathonCommon and uncommon hex string operations for python3 Louis Holbrook2022-05-09 08:01
iupPing script to record internet connection state Louis Holbrook2022-01-14 08:18
jsonrpc-basePure python standard library JSONRPC data interface Louis Holbrook2021-10-31 06:06
keeOffline IOU signer with QR as transport Louis Holbrook2025-02-25 19:03
leveldirMulti-level directory structure data stores in python3 Louis Holbrook2023-08-29 21:30
liblashBasic tools written and used by lash in c programming. Louis Holbrook2025-03-05 19:56
liblashgamePathfinder and path decision making library for 2D tile game Louis Holbrook2022-11-12 10:36
librlpC library for the Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) serialization format Louis Holbrook2024-07-15 22:04
libswarm-ngC implementation of BMT hasher, Swarmhash and Single Owner Chunk for swarm Louis Holbrook2022-06-12 05:30
manbytesgnu_siteSource files for manbytesgnu.org Louis Holbrook2024-08-10 18:38
moolbBloom filter for python3 with pluggable hasher backend Louis Holbrook2021-10-31 05:52
moolb-jsBloom filter for javascript with pluggable hasher backend Louis Holbrook2020-10-31 11:25
partitionhiderDangerous and risky bash scripts to conceal and recover partitions using literal writes to MBR Louis Holbrook2018-04-24 21:47
passmemoPassword recollection trainer Louis Holbrook2019-07-26 19:53
pelican-signA pelican plugin for generating digests and signatures for content Louis Holbrook2021-05-03 20:15
pep503-convertBash script to convert pip3 downloads to pip indices Louis Holbrook2022-01-16 21:01
potaahtoConversions and redundancy for partisan naming choices Louis Holbrook2024-04-14 13:34
pylibrlpPython3 wrapper for librlp Louis Holbrook2021-06-15 11:56
pylibswarmPython3 wrapper for libswarm-ng Louis Holbrook2022-06-11 18:55
remotemeCLI tool in perl to report internet ip for the current host using STUN servers Louis Holbrook2022-01-14 20:41
shepMulti-state key stores using bit masks for python3 Louis Holbrook2023-08-20 12:42
taintCrypto forensics for private use Louis Holbrook2021-11-29 03:39
tfa-cli-toolsCLI tools for common TFA-related operations Louis Holbrook2020-08-24 19:45
urlybirdCommon url operations not covered by the standard library urllib Louis Holbrook2022-01-25 19:05
webshotSnapshot and fingerprint a web resource Louis Holbrook2022-01-11 13:09