
signed metadata declarations for ethereum addresses
Log | Files | Refs


      1 - 0.7.2
      2 	* Set bytes32(0) as topic for topic-less declaration
      3 - 0.7.1
      4 	* Add topic option to declarations
      5 - 0.7.0
      6 	* Change license
      7 - 0.6.3
      8 	* Add contract metadata
      9 - 0.6.2
     10 	* Remove haveDeclaration solidity method
     11 - 0.6.1
     12 	* Fix broken calls for some chains; force block height parameter
     13 - 0.6.0
     14 	* Upgrade deps
     15 - 0.5.0
     16 	* Upgrade deps
     17 - 0.4.0
     18 	* Upgrade chainlib
     19 - 0.3.0
     20 	* Use -a and -e flag combination for consistency
     21 - 0.2.5
     22 	* Remove proof array idx overwrite when adding multiple proofs to subject
     23 - 0.1.2
     24 	* Move to chainlib-eth
     25 - 0.1.1-unreleased
     26 - 0.1.0-unreleased
     27 	* Implement external signer
     28 	* Standardize cli arg flags
     29 - 0.0.3
     30 	* Add viewer cli
     31 - 0.0.2
     32 	* Add script for adding endorsement
     33 - 0.0.1
     34 	* Add token to metadata mapper contract
     35 	* Python deployer