
An interface for non-owner writer role to smart contract instance
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setup.cfg (768B)

      1 [metadata]
      2 name = eth-writer
      3 version = 0.0.1
      4 description = An interface for non-owner write access to smart contract instance.
      5 author = Louis Holbrook
      6 author_email =
      7 url =
      8 keywords =
      9 	ethereum
     10 classifiers =
     11 	Programming Language :: Python :: 3
     12 	Operating System :: OS Independent
     13 	Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
     14 	Environment :: No Input/Output (Daemon)
     15 	Intended Audience :: Developers
     16 	License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)
     17 	Topic :: Internet
     18 	Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
     19 	#Topic :: Blockchain :: EVM
     20 license = GPL3
     21 licence_files =
     22 	LICENSE.txt
     24 [options]
     25 include_package_data = True
     26 python_requires = >= 3.7
     27 packages = 
     28 	eth_writer
     29 	eth_writer.unittest