
Slim, portable tooling for creating and distributing decentralized append logs
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show.py (1787B)

      1 # standard imports
      2 import json
      3 import email
      4 import time
      5 import sys
      6 import logging
      8 logg = logging.getLogger(__file__)
     10 def parse_args(argparser):
     11     pass
     13 def check_args(args):
     14     pass
     16 # TODO: this should call a render method of the entry instead of 
     17 # dictating how the display format should be
     18 def execute(config, feed, args):
     19     i = 0
     20     while 1:
     21         try:
     22             e = feed.next_entry()
     23         except IndexError as e:
     24             break
     25         j = json.loads(e)
     26         m = email.message_from_string(j['payload'])
     27         tf = email.utils.parsedate(m.get('Date'))
     28         t = int(time.mktime(tf))
     29         tl = time.localtime(t)
     30         ts = time.strftime('%x %X', tl)
     31         body = ''
     32         attachments = []
     33         ii = 0
     34         for p in m.walk():
     35             ii += 1
     36             if ii == 1:
     37                 continue
     39             if 'attachment' in p.get_content_disposition():
     40                 attachments.append('{} ({})'.format(p.get_filename(), p.get_content_type()))
     41             elif p.get_content_maintype() == 'text':
     42                 subject = p.get('Subject')
     43                 if subject == None:
     44                     subject = p.get_filename()
     45                 #if p.get_filename() == '_content' or body == None:
     46                 body += '>>> {}\n\n{}\n\n\n'.format(subject, p.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'))
     48         if i > 0:
     49            sys.stdout.write('----\n')
     51         if body != None:
     52             if args.headers:
     53                 for k in m.keys():
     54                     print('{}: {}'.format(k, m.get(k)))
     55             sys.stdout.write('{} - {}\n'.format(ts, j['uuid']))
     56             sys.stdout.write('{}'.format(body))
     57             for a in attachments:
     58                 sys.stdout.write('+ {}\n'.format(a))
     60         i += 1
     61     sys.stdout.flush()