
Constrained Size Output Virtual Machine
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pg.go (5092B)

      1 package postgres
      3 import (
      4 	"context"
      5 	"errors"
      6 	"fmt"
      8 	pgx "github.com/jackc/pgx/v5"
      9 	"github.com/jackc/pgx/v5/pgxpool"
     11 	"git.defalsify.org/vise.git/db"
     12 )
     14 var (
     15 	defaultTxOptions pgx.TxOptions
     16 )
     18 type PgInterface interface {
     19 	BeginTx(context.Context, pgx.TxOptions) (pgx.Tx, error)
     20 	Close()
     21 }
     23 // pgDb is a Postgres backend implementation of the Db interface.
     24 type pgDb struct {
     25 	*db.DbBase
     26 	conn   PgInterface
     27 	schema string
     28 	prefix uint8
     29 	prepd  bool
     30 	it     pgx.Rows
     31 	itBase []byte
     32 	tx     pgx.Tx
     33 	multi  bool
     34 }
     36 // NewpgDb creates a new Postgres backed Db implementation.
     37 func NewPgDb() *pgDb {
     38 	db := &pgDb{
     39 		DbBase: db.NewDbBase(),
     40 		schema: "public",
     41 	}
     42 	return db
     43 }
     45 // WithSchema sets the Postgres schema to use for the storage table.
     46 func (pdb *pgDb) WithSchema(schema string) *pgDb {
     47 	pdb.schema = schema
     48 	return pdb
     49 }
     51 func (pdb *pgDb) WithConnection(pi PgInterface) *pgDb {
     52 	pdb.conn = pi
     53 	return pdb
     54 }
     56 // Connect implements Db.
     57 func (pdb *pgDb) Connect(ctx context.Context, connStr string) error {
     58 	if pdb.conn != nil {
     59 		logg.WarnCtxf(ctx, "Pg already connected")
     60 		return nil
     61 	}
     62 	conn, err := pgxpool.New(ctx, connStr)
     63 	if err != nil {
     64 		return err
     65 	}
     67 	if err := conn.Ping(ctx); err != nil {
     68 		return fmt.Errorf("connection to postgres could not be established: %w", err)
     69 	}
     71 	pdb.conn = conn
     72 	pdb.DbBase.Connect(ctx, connStr)
     73 	return pdb.ensureTable(ctx)
     74 }
     76 func (pdb *pgDb) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
     77 	if pdb.tx != nil {
     78 		return db.ErrTxExist
     79 	}
     80 	err := pdb.start(ctx)
     81 	if err != nil {
     82 		return err
     83 	}
     84 	pdb.multi = true
     85 	return nil
     86 }
     88 func (pdb *pgDb) start(ctx context.Context) error {
     89 	if pdb.tx != nil {
     90 		return nil
     91 	}
     92 	tx, err := pdb.conn.BeginTx(ctx, defaultTxOptions)
     93 	logg.TraceCtxf(ctx, "begin single tx", "err", err)
     94 	if err != nil {
     95 		return err
     96 	}
     97 	pdb.tx = tx
     98 	return nil
     99 }
    101 func (pdb *pgDb) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
    102 	if !pdb.multi {
    103 		return db.ErrSingleTx
    104 	}
    105 	return pdb.stop(ctx)
    106 }
    108 func (pdb *pgDb) stopSingle(ctx context.Context) error {
    109 	if pdb.multi {
    110 		return nil
    111 	}
    112 	err := pdb.tx.Commit(ctx)
    113 	logg.TraceCtxf(ctx, "stop single tx", "err", err)
    114 	pdb.tx = nil
    115 	return err
    116 }
    118 func (pdb *pgDb) stop(ctx context.Context) error {
    119 	if pdb.tx == nil {
    120 		return db.ErrNoTx
    121 	}
    122 	err := pdb.tx.Commit(ctx)
    123 	logg.TraceCtxf(ctx, "stop multi tx", "err", err)
    124 	pdb.tx = nil
    125 	return err
    126 }
    128 func (pdb *pgDb) Abort(ctx context.Context) {
    129 	logg.InfoCtxf(ctx, "aborting tx", "tx", pdb.tx)
    130 	pdb.tx.Rollback(ctx)
    131 	pdb.tx = nil
    132 }
    134 // Put implements Db.
    135 func (pdb *pgDb) Put(ctx context.Context, key []byte, val []byte) error {
    136 	if !pdb.CheckPut() {
    137 		return errors.New("unsafe put and safety set")
    138 	}
    140 	lk, err := pdb.ToKey(ctx, key)
    141 	if err != nil {
    142 		return err
    143 	}
    145 	err = pdb.start(ctx)
    146 	if err != nil {
    147 		return err
    148 	}
    149 	logg.TraceCtxf(ctx, "put", "key", key, "val", val)
    150 	query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s.kv_vise (key, value, updated) VALUES ($1, $2, 'now') ON CONFLICT(key) DO UPDATE SET value = $2, updated = 'now';", pdb.schema)
    151 	actualKey := lk.Default
    152 	if lk.Translation != nil {
    153 		actualKey = lk.Translation
    154 	}
    156 	_, err = pdb.tx.Exec(ctx, query, actualKey, val)
    157 	if err != nil {
    158 		return err
    159 	}
    161 	return pdb.stopSingle(ctx)
    162 }
    164 // Get implements Db.
    165 func (pdb *pgDb) Get(ctx context.Context, key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    166 	var rr []byte
    167 	lk, err := pdb.ToKey(ctx, key)
    168 	if err != nil {
    169 		return nil, err
    170 	}
    172 	err = pdb.start(ctx)
    173 	if err != nil {
    174 		return nil, err
    175 	}
    176 	logg.TraceCtxf(ctx, "get", "key", key)
    178 	if lk.Translation != nil {
    179 		query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT value FROM %s.kv_vise WHERE key = $1", pdb.schema)
    180 		rs, err := pdb.tx.Query(ctx, query, lk.Translation)
    181 		if err != nil {
    182 			pdb.Abort(ctx)
    183 			return nil, err
    184 		}
    186 		if rs.Next() {
    187 			err = rs.Scan(&rr)
    188 			if err != nil {
    189 				pdb.Abort(ctx)
    190 				return nil, err
    191 			}
    193 			rs.Close()
    194 			err = pdb.stopSingle(ctx)
    195 			return rr, err
    196 		}
    197 	}
    199 	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT value FROM %s.kv_vise WHERE key = $1", pdb.schema)
    200 	rs, err := pdb.tx.Query(ctx, query, lk.Default)
    201 	if err != nil {
    202 		pdb.Abort(ctx)
    203 		return nil, err
    204 	}
    206 	if !rs.Next() {
    207 		rs.Close()
    208 		pdb.Abort(ctx)
    209 		return nil, db.NewErrNotFound(key)
    210 	}
    212 	err = rs.Scan(&rr)
    213 	if err != nil {
    214 		rs.Close()
    215 		pdb.Abort(ctx)
    216 		return nil, err
    217 	}
    218 	rs.Close()
    219 	err = pdb.stopSingle(ctx)
    220 	return rr, err
    221 }
    223 // Close implements Db.
    224 func (pdb *pgDb) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
    225 	err := pdb.Stop(ctx)
    226 	if err == db.ErrNoTx {
    227 		err = nil
    228 	}
    229 	pdb.conn.Close()
    230 	return err
    231 }
    233 // set up table
    234 func (pdb *pgDb) ensureTable(ctx context.Context) error {
    235 	if pdb.prepd {
    236 		logg.WarnCtxf(ctx, "ensureTable called more than once")
    237 		return nil
    238 	}
    239 	tx, err := pdb.conn.BeginTx(ctx, defaultTxOptions)
    240 	if err != nil {
    241 		tx.Rollback(ctx)
    242 		return err
    243 	}
    244 	query := fmt.Sprintf(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s.kv_vise (
    245 		id SERIAL NOT NULL,
    246 		key BYTEA NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    247 		value BYTEA NOT NULL,
    248 		updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
    249 	);
    250 `, pdb.schema)
    251 	_, err = tx.Exec(ctx, query)
    252 	if err != nil {
    253 		tx.Rollback(ctx)
    254 		return err
    255 	}
    257 	err = tx.Commit(ctx)
    258 	if err != nil {
    259 		tx.Rollback(ctx)
    260 		return err
    261 	}
    262 	pdb.prepd = true
    263 	return nil
    264 }