
Constrained Size Output Virtual Machine
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config.go (1492B)

      1 package engine
      3 import (
      4 	"fmt"
      5 )
      7 // Config globally defines behavior of all components driven by the engine.
      8 type Config struct {
      9 	// OutputSize sets the maximum size of output from a single rendered page. If set to 0, no size limit is imposed.
     10 	OutputSize uint32
     11 	// SessionId is used to segment the context of state and application data retrieval and storage.
     12 	SessionId string
     13 	// Root is the node name of the bytecode entry point.
     14 	Root string
     15 	// FlagCount is used to set the number of user-defined signal flags used in the execution state.
     16 	FlagCount uint32
     17 	// CacheSize determines the total allowed cumulative cache size for a single SessionId storage segment. If set to 0, no size limit is imposed.
     18 	CacheSize uint32
     19 	// Language determines the ISO-639-3 code of the default translation language. If not set, no language translations will be looked up.
     20 	Language string
     21 	// StateDebug activates string translations of flags in output logs if set
     22 	StateDebug bool
     23 	// EngineDebug activates the engine debug output
     24 	EngineDebug bool
     25 	// MenuSeparator sets the string to use for separating menu selectors and menu descriptors in the renderer
     26 	MenuSeparator string
     27 	// ResetOnEmptyInput purges cache and restart state execution at root on empty input
     28 	ResetOnEmptyInput bool
     29 }
     31 // String implements the string interface.
     32 func (c Config) String() string {
     33 	return fmt.Sprintf("sessionid '%s', rootpath '%s', flagcount %d, language '%s'", c.SessionId, c.Root, c.FlagCount, c.Language)
     34 }