
Constrained Size Output Virtual Machine
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debug.go (1319B)

      1 package engine
      3 import (
      4 	"fmt"
      5 	"io"
      6 	"os"
      8 	"git.defalsify.org/vise.git/cache"
      9 	"git.defalsify.org/vise.git/state"
     10 )
     12 // Debug implementations output details about the execution state on each execution halt.
     13 type Debug interface {
     14 	// Break receives the state and cache in order to generate its output.
     15 	Break(*state.State, cache.Memory)
     16 }
     18 // SimpleDebug is a vanilla implementation of the Debug interface.
     19 type SimpleDebug struct {
     20 	pfx string
     21 	w   io.Writer
     22 }
     24 // NewSimpleDebug instantiates a new SimpleDebug object.
     25 func NewSimpleDebug(w io.Writer) Debug {
     26 	if w == nil {
     27 		w = os.Stderr
     28 	}
     29 	return &SimpleDebug{
     30 		w:   w,
     31 		pfx: "DUMP>",
     32 	}
     33 }
     35 // Break implements the Debug interface.
     36 func (dbg *SimpleDebug) Break(st *state.State, ca cache.Memory) {
     37 	fmt.Fprintf(dbg.w, "%s State:\n", dbg.pfx)
     38 	node, lvl := st.Where()
     39 	fmt.Fprintf(dbg.w, "%s\tPath: %s (%d)\n", dbg.pfx, node, lvl)
     40 	fmt.Fprintf(dbg.w, "%s\tFlags:\n", dbg.pfx)
     41 	for _, s := range state.FlagDebugger.AsList(st.Flags, st.BitSize-8) {
     42 		fmt.Fprintf(dbg.w, "%s\t\t%s\n", dbg.pfx, s)
     43 	}
     44 	for i := uint32(0); i < ca.Levels(); i++ {
     45 		fmt.Fprintf(dbg.w, "%s Cache[%d]:\n", dbg.pfx, i)
     46 		ks := ca.Keys(i)
     47 		for _, k := range ks {
     48 			v, err := ca.Get(k)
     49 			if err != nil {
     50 				continue
     51 			}
     52 			fmt.Fprintf(dbg.w, "%s\t%s: %v\n", dbg.pfx, k, v)
     53 		}
     54 	}
     55 }