commit cf6fd57672def9eec9e884ac0321f4b73b53a358
parent 01155f6e64bc40ed9ebc9b84f28c924e150d3a51
Author: Louis Holbrook <>
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2021 14:18:30 +0000
Merge branch 'lash/use-timestamps' into 'master'
Use timestamps instead of blocks
See merge request grassrootseconomics/sarafu-token!4
5 files changed, 583 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python/tests/ b/python/tests/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import os
import unittest
import json
import logging
+import datetime
# third-party imports
import web3
@@ -18,9 +19,11 @@ logging.getLogger('eth.vm').setLevel(logging.WARNING)
testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
#BLOCKTIME = 5 # seconds
-TAX_LEVEL = 10000 * 2 # 2%
+TAX_LEVEL = int(10000 * 2) # 2%
+# calc "1-(0.98)^(1/518400)" <- 518400 = 30 days of blocks
+# 0.00000003897127107225
#PERIOD = int(60/BLOCKTIME) * 60 * 24 * 30 # month
-PERIOD = 10
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -48,12 +51,15 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
self.sink_address = self.w3.eth.accounts[9]
c = self.w3.eth.contract(abi=self.abi, bytecode=self.bytecode)
- tx_hash = c.constructor('Foo Token', 'FOO', 6, TAX_LEVEL, PERIOD, self.sink_address).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[0]})
+ tx_hash = c.constructor('Foo Token', 'FOO', 6, TAX_LEVEL * (10 ** 32), PERIOD, self.sink_address).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[0]})
r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
self.contract = self.w3.eth.contract(abi=self.abi, address=r.contractAddress)
self.start_block = self.w3.eth.blockNumber
+ b = self.w3.eth.getBlock(self.start_block)
+ self.start_time = b['timestamp']
def tearDown(self):
@@ -61,10 +67,31 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_hello(self):
self.assertEqual(self.contract.functions.actualPeriod().call(), 1)
- self.eth_tester.mine_blocks(PERIOD)
+ self.eth_tester.time_travel(self.start_time + 61)
self.assertEqual(self.contract.functions.actualPeriod().call(), 2)
+ def test_apply_demurrage(self):
+ modifier = 10 * (10 ** 37)
+ demurrage_modifier = self.contract.functions.demurrageModifier().call()
+ demurrage_modifier &= (1 << 128) - 1
+ self.assertEqual(modifier, demurrage_modifier)
+ self.eth_tester.time_travel(self.start_time + 59)
+ demurrage_modifier = self.contract.functions.demurrageModifier().call()
+ demurrage_modifier &= (1 << 128) - 1
+ self.assertEqual(modifier, demurrage_modifier)
+ self.eth_tester.time_travel(self.start_time + 61)
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.applyDemurrage().transact()
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ demurrage_modifier = self.contract.functions.demurrageModifier().call()
+ demurrage_modifier &= (1 << 128) - 1
+ self.assertEqual(int(98 * (10 ** 36)), demurrage_modifier)
def test_mint(self):
tx_hash = self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[1], 1024).transact()
r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
@@ -80,6 +107,26 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
balance = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
self.assertEqual(balance, 2000)
+ self.eth_tester.time_travel(self.start_time + 61)
+ balance = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
+ self.assertEqual(balance, int(2000 * 0.98))
+ def test_base_amount(self):
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[1], 1000).transact()
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
+ self.eth_tester.time_travel(self.start_time + 61)
+ self.contract.functions.applyDemurrage().transact()
+ demurrage_modifier = self.contract.functions.demurrageModifier().call()
+ demurrage_amount = self.contract.functions.toDemurrageAmount(demurrage_modifier).call()
+ logg.debug('d {} {}'.format(demurrage_modifier.to_bytes(32, 'big').hex(), demurrage_amount))
+ a = self.contract.functions.toBaseAmount(1000).call();
+ self.assertEqual(a, 1020)
def test_transfer(self):
tx_hash = self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[1], 1024).transact()
@@ -128,60 +175,5 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(balance_alice, 500)
- def test_apply_tax(self):
- self.eth_tester.mine_blocks(PERIOD)
- tx_hash = self.contract.functions.applyTax().transact()
- r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
- self.assertEqual(self.contract.functions.redistributionCount().call(), 2)
- self.assertEqual(self.contract.functions.demurrageModifier().call(), 980000)
- self.eth_tester.mine_blocks(PERIOD)
- tx_hash = self.contract.functions.applyTax().transact()
- r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
- self.assertEqual(self.contract.functions.redistributionCount().call(), 3)
- self.assertEqual(self.contract.functions.demurrageModifier().call(), 960400)
- def test_tax_balance(self):
- tx_hash = self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[1], 1000).transact()
- r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
- self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
- self.eth_tester.mine_blocks(PERIOD)
- tx_hash = self.contract.functions.applyTax().transact()
- r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
- self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
- balance = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
- self.assertEqual(balance, 980)
- def test_taxed_transfer(self):
- tx_hash = self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[1], 1000000).transact()
- r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
- self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
- self.eth_tester.mine_blocks(PERIOD)
- tx_hash = self.contract.functions.applyTax().transact()
- r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
- self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
- balance_alice = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
- self.assertEqual(balance_alice, 980000)
- tx_hash = self.contract.functions.transfer(self.w3.eth.accounts[2], 500000).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[1]})
- r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
- logg.debug('r {}'.format(r))
- self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
- balance_alice = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
- balance_alice_trunc = int(balance_alice/1000)*1000
- self.assertEqual(balance_alice_trunc, 480000)
- balance_bob = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[2]).call()
- balance_bob_trunc = int(balance_bob/1000)*1000
- self.assertEqual(balance_bob_trunc, 500000)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/python/tests/ b/python/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# standard imports
+import os
+import unittest
+import json
+import logging
+# third-party imports
+import web3
+import eth_tester
+import eth_abi
+logg = logging.getLogger()
+testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+#BLOCKTIME = 5 # seconds
+TAX_LEVEL = 10000 * 2 # 2%
+#PERIOD = int(60/BLOCKTIME) * 60 * 24 * 30 # month
+class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ contract = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ eth_params = eth_tester.backends.pyevm.main.get_default_genesis_params({
+ 'gas_limit': 9000000,
+ })
+ f = open(os.path.join(testdir, '../../solidity/RedistributedDemurrageToken.bin'), 'r')
+ self.bytecode =
+ f.close()
+ f = open(os.path.join(testdir, '../../solidity/RedistributedDemurrageToken.json'), 'r')
+ self.abi = json.load(f)
+ f.close()
+ backend = eth_tester.PyEVMBackend(eth_params)
+ self.eth_tester = eth_tester.EthereumTester(backend)
+ provider = web3.Web3.EthereumTesterProvider(self.eth_tester)
+ self.w3 = web3.Web3(provider)
+ self.sink_address = self.w3.eth.accounts[9]
+ c = self.w3.eth.contract(abi=self.abi, bytecode=self.bytecode)
+ tx_hash = c.constructor('Foo Token', 'FOO', 6, TAX_LEVEL * (10 ** 32), PERIOD, self.sink_address).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[0]})
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ self.contract = self.w3.eth.contract(abi=self.abi, address=r.contractAddress)
+ self.start_block = self.w3.eth.blockNumber
+ b = self.w3.eth.getBlock(self.start_block)
+ self.start_time = b['timestamp']
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def test_period(self):
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[1], 1024).transact()
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
+ self.eth_tester.time_travel(self.start_time + 61)
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.changePeriod().transact()
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
+ redistribution = self.contract.functions.redistributions(1).call()
+ self.assertEqual(2, self.contract.functions.toRedistributionPeriod(redistribution).call())
+ self.assertEqual(2, self.contract.functions.actualPeriod().call())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/tests/ b/python/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# standard imports
+import os
+import unittest
+import json
+import logging
+import math
+# third-party imports
+import web3
+import eth_tester
+import eth_abi
+logg = logging.getLogger()
+testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+#BLOCKTIME = 5 # seconds
+TAX_LEVEL = int((10000 * 2) * (10 ** 32)) # 2%
+PERIOD = 10
+class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ contract = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ eth_params = eth_tester.backends.pyevm.main.get_default_genesis_params({
+ 'gas_limit': 9000000,
+ })
+ f = open(os.path.join(testdir, '../../solidity/RedistributedDemurrageToken.bin'), 'r')
+ self.bytecode =
+ f.close()
+ f = open(os.path.join(testdir, '../../solidity/RedistributedDemurrageToken.json'), 'r')
+ self.abi = json.load(f)
+ f.close()
+ backend = eth_tester.PyEVMBackend(eth_params)
+ self.eth_tester = eth_tester.EthereumTester(backend)
+ provider = web3.Web3.EthereumTesterProvider(self.eth_tester)
+ self.w3 = web3.Web3(provider)
+ self.sink_address = self.w3.eth.accounts[9]
+ c = self.w3.eth.contract(abi=self.abi, bytecode=self.bytecode)
+ tx_hash = c.constructor('Foo Token', 'FOO', 6, TAX_LEVEL, PERIOD, self.sink_address).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[0]})
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ self.contract = self.w3.eth.contract(abi=self.abi, address=r.contractAddress)
+ self.start_block = self.w3.eth.blockNumber
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def test_tax_period(self):
+ t = self.contract.functions.taxLevel().call()
+ logg.debug('taxlevel {}'.format(t))
+ a = self.contract.functions.toTaxPeriodAmount(1000000, 0).call()
+ self.assertEqual(a, 1000000)
+ a = self.contract.functions.toTaxPeriodAmount(1000000, 1).call()
+ self.assertEqual(a, 980000)
+ a = self.contract.functions.toTaxPeriodAmount(1000000, 2).call()
+ self.assertEqual(a, 960400)
+ a = self.contract.functions.toTaxPeriodAmount(980000, 1).call()
+ self.assertEqual(a, 960400)
+ def test_fractional_state(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(eth_tester.exceptions.TransactionFailed):
+ self.contract.functions.remainder(2, 1).call();
+ with self.assertRaises(eth_tester.exceptions.TransactionFailed):
+ remainder = self.contract.functions.remainder(0, 100001).call();
+ remainder = self.contract.functions.remainder(1, 2).call();
+ self.assertEqual(remainder, 0);
+ whole = 5000001
+ parts = 20000
+ expect = whole - (math.floor(whole/parts) * parts)
+ remainder = self.contract.functions.remainder(parts, whole).call();
+ self.assertEqual(remainder, expect)
+ parts = 30000
+ expect = whole - (math.floor(whole/parts) * parts)
+ remainder = self.contract.functions.remainder(parts, whole).call();
+ self.assertEqual(remainder, expect)
+ parts = 40001
+ expect = whole - (math.floor(whole/parts) * parts)
+ remainder = self.contract.functions.remainder(parts, whole).call();
+ self.assertEqual(remainder, expect)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/tests/ b/python/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# standard imports
+import os
+import unittest
+import json
+import logging
+# third-party imports
+import web3
+import eth_tester
+import eth_abi
+logg = logging.getLogger()
+testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+#BLOCKTIME = 5 # seconds
+TAX_LEVEL = 10000 * 2 # 2%
+#PERIOD = int(60/BLOCKTIME) * 60 * 24 * 30 # month
+class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ contract = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ eth_params = eth_tester.backends.pyevm.main.get_default_genesis_params({
+ 'gas_limit': 9000000,
+ })
+ f = open(os.path.join(testdir, '../../solidity/RedistributedDemurrageToken.bin'), 'r')
+ self.bytecode =
+ f.close()
+ f = open(os.path.join(testdir, '../../solidity/RedistributedDemurrageToken.json'), 'r')
+ self.abi = json.load(f)
+ f.close()
+ backend = eth_tester.PyEVMBackend(eth_params)
+ self.eth_tester = eth_tester.EthereumTester(backend)
+ provider = web3.Web3.EthereumTesterProvider(self.eth_tester)
+ self.w3 = web3.Web3(provider)
+ self.sink_address = self.w3.eth.accounts[9]
+ c = self.w3.eth.contract(abi=self.abi, bytecode=self.bytecode)
+ tx_hash = c.constructor('Foo Token', 'FOO', 6, TAX_LEVEL * (10 ** 32), PERIOD, self.sink_address).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[0]})
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ self.contract = self.w3.eth.contract(abi=self.abi, address=r.contractAddress)
+ self.start_block = self.w3.eth.blockNumber
+ b = self.w3.eth.getBlock(self.start_block)
+ self.start_time = b['timestamp']
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def debug_periods(self):
+ pactual = self.contract.functions.actualPeriod().call()
+ pstart = self.contract.functions.periodStart().call()
+ pduration = self.contract.functions.periodDuration().call()
+ blocknumber = self.w3.eth.blockNumber;
+ logg.debug('actual {} start {} duration {} blocknumber {}'.format(pactual, pstart, pduration, blocknumber))
+ # TODO: check receipt log outputs
+ def test_redistribution_storage(self):
+ self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[1], 1000000).transact()
+ self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[2], 1000000).transact()
+ external_address = web3.Web3.toChecksumAddress('0x' + os.urandom(20).hex())
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.transfer(external_address, 1000000).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[2]})
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.transfer(external_address, 999999).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[1]})
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ logg.debug('tx before {}'.format(r))
+ self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
+ self.eth_tester.time_travel(self.start_time + 61)
+ redistribution = self.contract.functions.redistributions(0).call();
+ self.assertEqual(redistribution.hex(), '000000000100000000000000000000000000000000001e848000000000000001')
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[0], 1000000).transact()
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
+ redistribution = self.contract.functions.redistributions(1).call()
+ self.assertEqual(redistribution.hex(), '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002dc6c000000000000002')
+ def test_redistribution_balance_on_zero_participants(self):
+ supply = 1000000000000
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[1], supply).transact()
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ self.eth_tester.time_travel(self.start_time + 61)
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.applyDemurrage().transact()
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ logg.debug('r {}'.format(r))
+ self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.changePeriod().transact()
+ rr = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ self.assertEqual(rr.status, 1)
+ redistribution = self.contract.functions.redistributions(0).call();
+ supply = self.contract.functions.totalSupply().call()
+ sink_increment = int(supply * (TAX_LEVEL / 1000000))
+ for l in r['logs']:
+ if l.topics[0].hex() == '0xa0717e54e02bd9829db5e6e998aec0ae9de796b8d150a3cc46a92ab869697755': # event Decayed(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)
+ period = int.from_bytes(l.topics[1], 'big')
+ self.assertEqual(period, 2)
+ b = bytes.fromhex([2:])
+ remainder = int.from_bytes(b, 'big')
+ self.assertEqual(remainder, int((1000000 - TAX_LEVEL) * (10 ** 32)))
+ logg.debug('period {} remainder {}'.format(period, remainder))
+ sink_balance = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.sink_address).call()
+ logg.debug('{} {}'.format(sink_increment, sink_balance))
+ self.assertEqual(sink_balance, int(sink_increment * 0.98))
+ self.assertEqual(sink_balance, int(sink_increment * (1000000 - TAX_LEVEL) / 1000000))
+ balance = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
+ self.assertEqual(balance, supply - sink_increment)
+ def test_redistribution_two_of_ten(self):
+ mint_amount = 100000000
+ z = 0
+ for i in range(10):
+ self.contract.functions.mintTo(self.w3.eth.accounts[i], mint_amount).transact()
+ z += mint_amount
+ initial_balance = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
+ spend_amount = 1000000
+ external_address = web3.Web3.toChecksumAddress('0x' + os.urandom(20).hex())
+ self.contract.functions.transfer(external_address, spend_amount).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[1]})
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.transfer(external_address, spend_amount).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[2]})
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ # No cheating!
+ self.contract.functions.transfer(self.w3.eth.accounts[3], spend_amount).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[3]})
+ # Cheapskate!
+ self.contract.functions.transfer(external_address, spend_amount-1).transact({'from': self.w3.eth.accounts[4]})
+ self.assertEqual(r.status, 1)
+ self.eth_tester.time_travel(self.start_time + 61)
+ self.contract.functions.applyDemurrage().transact()
+ self.contract.functions.changePeriod().transact()
+ bummer_balance = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[3]).call()
+ self.assertEqual(bummer_balance, mint_amount - (mint_amount * (TAX_LEVEL / 1000000)))
+ logg.debug('bal {} '.format(bummer_balance))
+ bummer_balance = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
+ spender_balance = mint_amount - spend_amount
+ spender_decayed_balance = int(spender_balance - (spender_balance * (TAX_LEVEL / 1000000)))
+ self.assertEqual(bummer_balance, spender_decayed_balance)
+ logg.debug('bal {} '.format(bummer_balance))
+ tx_hash = self.contract.functions.applyRedistributionOnAccount(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).transact()
+ r = self.w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
+ logg.debug('log {}'.format(r.logs))
+ self.contract.functions.applyRedistributionOnAccount(self.w3.eth.accounts[2]).transact()
+ redistribution_data = self.contract.functions.redistributions(0).call()
+ logg.debug('redist data {}'.format(redistribution_data.hex()))
+ account_period_data = self.contract.functions.accountPeriod(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
+ logg.debug('account period {}'.format(account_period_data))
+ actual_period = self.contract.functions.actualPeriod().call()
+ logg.debug('period {}'.format(actual_period))
+ redistribution = int((z / 2) * (TAX_LEVEL / 1000000))
+ spender_new_base_balance = ((mint_amount - spend_amount) + redistribution)
+ spender_new_decayed_balance = int(spender_new_base_balance - (spender_new_base_balance * (TAX_LEVEL / 1000000)))
+ spender_actual_balance = self.contract.functions.balanceOf(self.w3.eth.accounts[1]).call()
+ logg.debug('rrr {} {}'.format(redistribution, spender_new_decayed_balance))
+ self.assertEqual(spender_actual_balance, spender_new_decayed_balance)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/solidity/RedistributedDemurrageToken.sol b/solidity/RedistributedDemurrageToken.sol
@@ -6,15 +6,17 @@ pragma solidity > 0.6.11;
contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
address public owner;
- uint256 public decimals;
string public name;
string public symbol;
+ uint256 public decimals;
uint256 public totalSupply;
+ uint256 public minimumParticipantSpend;
+ uint256 constant ppmDivider = 100000000000000000000000000000000;
- uint256 public periodStart;
- uint256 public periodDuration;
- uint256 public taxLevel; // PPM
- uint256 public demurrageModifier; // PPM
+ uint256 public immutable periodStart; // timestamp
+ uint256 public immutable periodDuration; // duration in SECONDS
+ uint256 public immutable taxLevel; // PPM per MINUTE
+ uint256 public demurrageModifier; // PPM uint128(block) | uint128(ppm)
bytes32[] public redistributions; // uint1(isFractional) | uint1(unused) | uint38(participants) | uint160(value) | uint56(period)
mapping (address => bytes32) account; // uint20(unused) | uint56(period) | uint160(value)
@@ -27,22 +29,24 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
event Mint(address indexed _minter, address indexed _beneficiary, uint256 _value);
//event Debug(uint256 _foo);
- event Taxed(uint256 indexed _period, uint256 remainder);
+ event Decayed(uint256 indexed _period, uint256 indexed _periodCount, uint256 indexed _oldAmount, uint256 _newAmount);
event Redistribution(address indexed _account, uint256 indexed _period, uint256 _value);
- constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint8 _decimals, uint32 _taxLevel, uint256 _period, address _defaultSinkAddress) public {
+ constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint8 _decimals, uint256 _taxLevelMinute, uint256 _periodMinutes, address _defaultSinkAddress) public {
owner = msg.sender;
minter[owner] = true;
- periodStart = block.number;
- periodDuration = _period;
- taxLevel = _taxLevel;
+ periodStart = block.timestamp;
+ periodDuration = _periodMinutes * 60;
name = _name;
symbol = _symbol;
decimals = _decimals;
- demurrageModifier = 1000000;
+ demurrageModifier = ppmDivider * 1000000; // Emulates 38 decimal places
+ demurrageModifier |= (1 << 128);
+ taxLevel = _taxLevelMinute; // 38 decimal places
sinkAddress = _defaultSinkAddress;
bytes32 initialRedistribution = toRedistribution(0, 0, 1);
+ minimumParticipantSpend = 10 ** uint256(_decimals);
// Given address will be allowed to call the mintTo() function
@@ -51,13 +55,24 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
minter[_minter] = true;
return true;
/// ERC20
function balanceOf(address _account) public view returns (uint256) {
- uint256 baseBalance = getBaseBalance(_account);
- uint256 inverseModifier = 1000000 - demurrageModifier;
- uint256 balanceModifier = (inverseModifier * baseBalance) / 1000000;
- return baseBalance - balanceModifier;
+ uint256 baseBalance;
+ uint256 anchorDemurrageAmount;
+ uint256 anchorDemurragePeriod;
+ uint256 currentDemurrageAmount;
+ uint256 periodCount;
+ baseBalance = getBaseBalance(_account);
+ anchorDemurrageAmount = toDemurrageAmount(demurrageModifier);
+ anchorDemurragePeriod = toDemurragePeriod(demurrageModifier);
+ periodCount = actualPeriod() - toDemurragePeriod(demurrageModifier);
+ currentDemurrageAmount = toTaxPeriodAmount(anchorDemurrageAmount, periodCount);
+ return (baseBalance * currentDemurrageAmount) / (ppmDivider * 1000000);
/// Balance unmodified by demurrage
@@ -69,7 +84,11 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
function increaseBaseBalance(address _account, uint256 _delta) private returns (bool) {
uint256 oldBalance;
uint256 newBalance;
+ if (_delta == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
oldBalance = getBaseBalance(_account);
newBalance = oldBalance + _delta;
require(uint160(newBalance) > uint160(oldBalance), 'ERR_WOULDWRAP'); // revert if increase would result in a wrapped value
@@ -83,6 +102,10 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
uint256 oldBalance;
uint256 newBalance;
+ if (_delta == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
oldBalance = getBaseBalance(_account);
require(oldBalance >= _delta, 'ERR_OVERSPEND'); // overspend guard
newBalance = oldBalance - _delta;
@@ -96,8 +119,8 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
function mintTo(address _beneficiary, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool) {
- // TODO: get base amount for minting
- applyTax();
+ applyDemurrage();
+ changePeriod();
totalSupply += _amount;
increaseBaseBalance(_beneficiary, _amount);
emit Mint(msg.sender, _beneficiary, _amount);
@@ -162,7 +185,7 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
// Get the demurrage period of the current block number
function actualPeriod() public view returns (uint256) {
- return (block.number - periodStart) / periodDuration + 1;
+ return (block.timestamp - periodStart) / periodDuration + 1;
// Add an entered demurrage period to the redistribution array
@@ -198,7 +221,7 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
uint256 truncatedResult;
if (_numParts == 0) { // no division by zero please
- return _sumWhole;
+ revert('ERR_NUMPARTS_ZERO');
require(_numParts < _sumWhole); // At least you are never LESS than the sum of your parts. Think about that.
@@ -207,24 +230,79 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
return _sumWhole - truncatedResult;
+ // Called in the edge case where participant number is 0. It will override the participant count to 1.
+ // Returns the remainder sent to the sink address
+ function applyDefaultRedistribution(bytes32 _redistribution) private returns (uint256) {
+ uint256 redistributionSupply;
+ uint256 redistributionPeriod;
+ uint256 unit;
+ uint256 truncatedResult;
+ redistributionSupply = toRedistributionSupply(_redistribution);
+ unit = (redistributionSupply * taxLevel) / 1000000;
+ truncatedResult = (unit * 1000000) / taxLevel;
+ if (truncatedResult < redistributionSupply) {
+ redistributionPeriod = toRedistributionPeriod(_redistribution); // since we reuse period here, can possibly be optimized by passing period instead
+ redistributions[redistributionPeriod-1] &= 0x0000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff; // just to be safe, zero out all participant count data, in this case there will be only one
+ redistributions[redistributionPeriod-1] |= 0x8000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+ }
+ increaseBaseBalance(sinkAddress, unit / ppmDivider); //truncatedResult);
+ return unit;
+ }
// sets the remainder bit for the given period and books the remainder to the sink address balance
// returns false if no change was made
function applyRemainderOnPeriod(uint256 _remainder, uint256 _period) private returns (bool) {
- bytes32 redistribution;
- redistribution = redistributions[_period-1];
+ uint256 periodSupply;
if (_remainder == 0) {
return false;
- redistribution |= 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
- increaseBaseBalance(sinkAddress, _remainder);
+ redistributions[_period-1] |= 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+ periodSupply = toRedistributionSupply(redistributions[_period-1]);
+ increaseBaseBalance(sinkAddress, periodSupply - _remainder);
+ return true;
+ }
+ function toDemurrageAmount(uint256 _demurrage) public pure returns (uint256) {
+ return _demurrage & 0x00000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;
+ }
+ function toDemurragePeriod(uint256 _demurrage) public pure returns (uint256) {
+ return (_demurrage & 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000) >> 128;
+ }
+ function applyDemurrage() public returns (bool) {
+ uint256 epochPeriodCount;
+ uint256 periodCount;
+ uint256 lastDemurrageAmount;
+ uint256 newDemurrageAmount;
+ epochPeriodCount = actualPeriod();
+ //epochPeriodCount = (block.timestamp - periodStart) / periodDuration; // toDemurrageTime(demurrageModifier);
+ periodCount = epochPeriodCount - toDemurragePeriod(demurrageModifier);
+ if (periodCount == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ lastDemurrageAmount = toDemurrageAmount(demurrageModifier);
+ newDemurrageAmount = toTaxPeriodAmount(lastDemurrageAmount, periodCount);
+ demurrageModifier = 0;
+ demurrageModifier |= (newDemurrageAmount & 0x00000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff);
+ demurrageModifier |= (epochPeriodCount << 128);
+ emit Decayed(epochPeriodCount, periodCount, lastDemurrageAmount, newDemurrageAmount);
return true;
// Recalculate the demurrage modifier for the new period
// After this, all REPORTED balances will have been reduced by the corresponding ratio (but the effecive totalsupply stays the same)
- function applyTax() public returns (uint256) {
+ //function applyTax() public returns (uint256) {
+ function changePeriod() public returns (uint256) {
bytes32 currentRedistribution;
bytes32 nextRedistribution;
uint256 currentPeriod;
@@ -235,29 +313,33 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
if (currentRedistribution == bytes32(0x00)) {
return demurrageModifier;
- demurrageModifier -= (demurrageModifier * taxLevel) / 1000000;
+ //demurrageModifier -= (demurrageModifier * taxLevel) / 1000000;
currentPeriod = toRedistributionPeriod(currentRedistribution);
nextRedistribution = toRedistribution(0, totalSupply, currentPeriod + 1);
currentParticipants = toRedistributionParticipants(currentRedistribution);
- currentRemainder = remainder(currentParticipants, totalSupply); // we can use totalSupply directly because it will always be the same as the recorded supply on the current redistribution
- applyRemainderOnPeriod(currentRemainder, currentPeriod);
- emit Taxed(currentPeriod, currentRemainder);
+ if (currentParticipants == 0) {
+ currentRemainder = applyDefaultRedistribution(currentRedistribution);
+ } else {
+ currentRemainder = remainder(currentParticipants, totalSupply); // we can use totalSupply directly because it will always be the same as the recorded supply on the current redistribution
+ applyRemainderOnPeriod(currentRemainder, currentPeriod);
+ }
return demurrageModifier;
// Calculate a value reduced by demurrage by the given period
function toTaxPeriodAmount(uint256 _value, uint256 _period) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 valueFactor;
+ uint256 truncatedTaxLevel;
- // TODO: doesn't work for solidity as floats are missing and using ints linearly increases the order of magnitude
- // valueFactor = 1000000 * (((1000000-taxLevel)/1000000) ** _period);
+ // TODO: if can't get to work, reverse the iteration from current period.
valueFactor = 1000000;
+ truncatedTaxLevel = taxLevel / ppmDivider;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _period; i++) {
- valueFactor = (valueFactor * taxLevel) / 1000000;
+ valueFactor = valueFactor - ((valueFactor * truncatedTaxLevel) / 1000000);
return (valueFactor * _value) / 1000000;
@@ -282,9 +364,8 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
supply = toRedistributionSupply(periodRedistribution);
- // TODO: Make sure value for balance increases round down, and that we can do a single allocation to a sink account with the difference. We can use the highest bit in "participants" for that.
- baseValue = supply / participants;
- value = toTaxPeriodAmount(baseValue, period-1);
+ baseValue = ((supply / participants) * (taxLevel / 1000000)) / ppmDivider;
+ value = toTaxPeriodAmount(baseValue, period - 1);
account[_account] &= bytes32(0x000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff);
increaseBaseBalance(_account, value);
@@ -295,7 +376,21 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
// Inflates the given amount according to the current demurrage modifier
function toBaseAmount(uint256 _value) public view returns (uint256) {
- return (_value * 1000000) / demurrageModifier;
+ return (_value * ppmDivider * 1000000) / toDemurrageAmount(demurrageModifier);
+ }
+ // ERC20, triggers tax and/or redistribution
+ function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
+ uint256 baseValue;
+ applyDemurrage();
+ changePeriod();
+ applyRedistributionOnAccount(msg.sender);
+ baseValue = toBaseAmount(_value);
+ allowance[msg.sender][_spender] += baseValue;
+ emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
+ return true;
// ERC20, triggers tax and/or redistribution
@@ -303,7 +398,8 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
uint256 baseValue;
bool result;
- applyTax();
+ applyDemurrage();
+ changePeriod();
// TODO: Prefer to truncate the result, instead it seems to round to nearest :/
@@ -313,29 +409,14 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
return result;
- // ERC20 transfer backend for transfer, transferFrom
- function transferBase(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) private returns (bool) {
- uint256 period;
- if (!decreaseBaseBalance(_from, _value)) {
- }
- if (!increaseBaseBalance(_to, _value)) {
- }
- period = actualPeriod();
- if (_value > 0 && accountPeriod(_from) != period) {
- registerAccountPeriod(_from, period);
- }
- return true;
- }
// ERC20, triggers tax and/or redistribution
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
uint256 baseValue;
bool result;
- applyTax();
+ applyDemurrage();
+ changePeriod();
baseValue = toBaseAmount(_value);
@@ -345,16 +426,17 @@ contract RedistributedDemurrageToken {
return result;
- // ERC20, triggers tax and/or redistribution
- function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
- uint256 baseValue;
+ // ERC20 transfer backend for transfer, transferFrom
+ function transferBase(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) private returns (bool) {
+ uint256 period;
- applyTax();
- applyRedistributionOnAccount(msg.sender);
+ decreaseBaseBalance(_from, _value);
+ increaseBaseBalance(_to, _value);
- baseValue = toBaseAmount(_value);
- allowance[msg.sender][_spender] += baseValue;
- emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
+ period = actualPeriod();
+ if (_value >= minimumParticipantSpend && accountPeriod(_from) != period && _from != _to) {
+ registerAccountPeriod(_from, period);
+ }
return true;