
EVM smart contract for ERC20 backed time slot booking
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This EVM smart contract allows exchanging ERC20 tokens for generic serial units.

The primary use-case is time-slot booking.

Unit ranges may also be reserved for collective use. In this case, token holders must pledge a proportional amount of their holdings towards the shared units.


Alice and Bob hold ‘TIME’ vouchers.

Each ‘TIME’ voucher unit represents one hour of time with a really comfortable hammock on the beach.

Unfortunately, the beach is not accessible all the time, because local technocrat authorities have decided to close the beach for the public every day from 6pm to 6am on every weekday, to protect people from their own pleasure-seeking.

Their trusted friend Trent publishes the ‘evm-booking’ contract, to manage hammock time for the coming month.

The month has 30 days. The period starts on a wednesday (6am) and ends on a friday (6am).

The period has 22 weekdays and 8 weekend days. This translates to (22 * 12) + (8 * 24) = 264 + 192 = 456 hours of available hammock time.

456.00 ‘TIME’ vouchers are minted (two decimal places).

Since Alice paid more for the hammock, she gets 60% of the time. Thus Alice has 273.6 and Bob has 182.4.

Collective use

Alice and Bob decide that they will rent the hammock out on weekends through Trent, and share in the proceeds. The rest of the time, they can reserve hammock time for themselves, or sell hammock time on to others.

Trent reserves 192 hours in the contract for collective use, and Alice and Bob has to pledge 192 * 60 and 192 * 0.4 = 76.8 vouchers respectively to cover that use.

Trent will be selling hammock time for Generic Fiat Currency (GFC), and will get 30% off the top for the bother.

Individual use

Alice spends a total of 100 hours on the hammock. Her remaining 15.2 hours are unused, during which time the hammock is very lonely.

Bob sells 10 hours of hammock use to each Carol and Dave, and uses every bit of remaining time himself.

Dave is too busy for hammocking. He spends 2 hours and sells 8 remaining hours to Frank.

Fruits of use

Trent was able to cash in a tidy 200 GFC for the time. He takes 60 GFC for himself. According to their shares, Alice gets 84 GFC and Bob gets 56 GFC.

Smart contract

When the smart contract is published, it is bound to:

The supply of the ERC20 token will be read and stored, and used to calculate shares for collective use.

The supply of the ERC20 token must not change after binding it to the contract.


The contract interface consists of three main methods.

Will spend serial units in the contract, and invoke ERC20.transferFrom to cover those units.

Reserve serial units for collective use. Requires all token holders to collectively deposit a corresponding share of the total supply.

Manually synchronise deposits to cover the time currently reserved for collective use.


After expiration, the shares of the collective use are considered finalized, and can be read out from the contract.

Raw output

The raw method returns the bit field representing the state of individual serial slots.


Let the total of time slots be 50.

Slots (inclusive, zero-indexed) 13-30 have been spent (consume) and 249-255 have been reserved (share).

Calling raw(11, 257) will yield a virtual bit field (lowest index left) as follows:

00111111 11111111 11110000 00000000 (bytes 0-4)
00000000 00000011 11111000 00000000 (bytes 28-31)
0 (bit 257)

The ABI encoded return value will be, grouped by word:


The bit field is read word for word, then byte-for-byte from right to left.

Note how it merges both the spent and reserved slots.