
A bianry tree implementation used for game development from scratch
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tree.h (4476B)

      1 #ifndef LASH_TREE_H_
      2 #define LASH_TREE_H_
      4 typedef long int lash_tree_key_t;
      6 typedef struct lash_tree_t {
      7 	lash_tree_key_t **key;
      8 	void **item;
      9 	//unsigned int shiftpos;
     10 	unsigned int count;
     11 	unsigned int capacity;
     12 	//unsigned int foldbackthreshold;
     13 	int average;
     14 } lash_tree_t;
     16 #ifdef __cplusplus 
     17 extern "C" {
     18 #endif
     20 lash_tree_t * lash_treeInit(lash_tree_t *tree, const unsigned int size) ;
     21 int lash_treePush(lash_tree_t *tree, void *item, lash_tree_key_t *key);
     22 int lash_treeShift(lash_tree_t *tree, void **item);
     23 int lash_treeRemove(lash_tree_t *tree, unsigned int position, void **item);
     24 int _lash_treeProcess(lash_tree_t *tree, unsigned int currentposition, int direction);
     25 void lash_treeFree(lash_tree_t *tree);
     26 #ifdef __cplusplus 
     27 }
     28 #endif
     31 #endif // LASH_TREE_H_
     33 /**
     34  * \file lash_tree3.h
     35  * \brief Implementation of binary tree for sorting generic objects
     36  * 
     37  * \author Louis Holbrook
     38  * \version 0.2
     39  * 
     40  * \todo Possibility to remove from other positions in the tree than start 
     41  *  
     42  * This library aims to be a fast and small way of storing generic structs (or even just integers) in a binary tree for fast retrieval in sorted order.
     43  * It was written as a backend for A* pathfinding code
     44  * 
     45  * Structs are stored as *void* pointers, which means they can reference anything at all.
     46  * Every "entry" in the tree will have one *void* pointer and one pointer to the sort value. At least one member of the struct must be of `lash_tree_key_t` type, which this pointer will point to.
     47  * Theoretically, different struct types can be stored in the different entries of the tree.
     48  * 
     49  */
     50 /**
     51  * \var typedef lash_tree_key_t 
     52  * \param lash_tree_key_t Sort value type for `lash_tree_t` 
     53  */
     55 /**
     56  * \var typedef lash_tree_t
     57  * \param **key Pointers to the sort key values
     58  * \param **item Pointers to the sorted data structures
     59  * \param count Current amount of items in the tree
     60  * \param capacity Maximum amount of items allocated
     61  * \param average Sort value at the middle of the array (currently unused)
     62  */
     64 /**
     65  * \struct lash_tree_t
     66  * \param **key Pointers to the sort key values
     67  * \param **item Pointers to the sorted data structures
     68  * \param count Current amount of items in the tree
     69  * \param capacity Maximum amount of items allocated
     70  * \param average Sort value at the middle of the array (currently unused)
     71  */
     74 /**
     75  * \fn lash_treeInit(lash_tree_t *tree, const unsigned int size)
     76  * \brief Allocates memory and initializes members
     77  * 
     78  * \param *tree Pointer to allocate memory to
     79  * \param size Amount of items to allocate
     80  * \return NULL if not successful
     81  * 
     82  */
     84 /**
     85  * \fn lash_treeFree(lash_tree_t *tree)
     86  * \brief Frees up memory
     87  * 
     88  * \param *tree Tree struct to free
     89  * 
     90  */
     92 /**
     93  * \fn lash_treePush(lash_tree_t *tree, void *item, lash_tree_key_t *key)
     94  * \brief Add a new item to the tree
     95  * 
     96  * \param *tree Tree struct to add to
     97  * \param *item Data structure to add
     98  * \param *key Pointer to the sort key value in `*item`
     99  * \return Number of items in the tree after adding. If tree is full -1 is returned.
    100  * 
    101  * The data structure must have one member of type `lash_tree_key_t`
    102  * if `*key` is omitted, it will be assumed that the first position at the address of `*item` is of this type, and will be used as the sort value for this item.
    103  * The item is added to the end of the tree, and stepwise moved up the tree until it meets a lower value.
    104  * 
    105  */
    107 /**
    108  * \fn lash_treeShift(lash_tree_t *tree, void **item)
    109  * \brief Retrieves and removes the first item from the tree
    110  * 
    111  * \param *tree Tree struct to shift from
    112  * \param **item Pointer to pass the retrieved data structure pointer in
    113  * \return Wrapper for `lash_treeRemove` with position argument 0
    114  * 
    115  * \sa lash_treeRemove
    116  * 
    117  */
    119 /**
    120  * \fn lash_treeRemove(lash_tree_t *tree, unsigned int position, void **item)
    121  * \brief Retrieves and removes an item from the tree
    122  * 
    123  * \param *tree Tree struct to shift from
    124  * \param position What sort position to remove from.
    125  * \param **item Pointer to pass the retrieved data structure pointer in
    126  * \return Number of items in the tree after removal. If the tree was already empty -1 is returned.
    127  * 
    128  * \sa lash_treePush
    129  * 
    130  * \warning Currently only position 0 is tested. Setting another value causes undefined behavior and will probably not work.
    131  * 
    132  * After the item is retrieved, the item at the end of the tree is moved up to replace it, and stepwise moved down the tree until meets a higher value.
    133  * 
    134  * 
    135  */